Coaching with Deb

If you are looking for a shift and need a bit of guidance or a sounding board, perhaps I can help.

Having coached for over 20 years, I too have a coach as it enables me to explore life with someone who can bring insights and meaning to my journey. Nothing beats a trained and experienced external perspective to help focus you on what is true.  

How does it work?

I don't have a set hourly rate, a package or hoops for you to jump through. Instead I am interested in what journey you wish to take. From there we can work out what you need, how much time works for you and the value exchange to match.   

Coaching is not about me telling you what to do. Instead we will explore the journey together to discover YOUR path. I will partner you through your eyes and uncover insights and actions that will take you forward one step at a time.

What I do know is being human invites us to grow from experiences. We can either expand our world or contract it. I believe it is our ability to accept 'what is' and 'observe' ourselves that gives us the best viewing platform for growth. From there we can only ever take one step forward...there is no higher place to live other than where we are right now.

If you would like to consider me as your coach, as part of your growth, drop me an email and let's explore the opportunity.

Deb Field 

Mother & Wife
Corporate Professional
and sometimes official Silly Billy

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