Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day 62: What Will I Find In The Boxes

We are fully back into the swing of it again.


More DVDs arrive!!

We got a package in the mail last night. It was another DVD for Jerry. We definitely need to find a solution for the media. We are looking at two options: (1) get them all on a media server and then clear the hardcopies out of the house or (2) put them into these cool sleeves and store them in a draw. The solution will arrive when we are ready. No rush right now.

Time to tackle the stationery

I'm not sure if you are like me but I love stationery. I think it may be the girls equivalent to Bunnings (Home Hardware etc).

I haven't bought much in the last many years but I just love it. I have some boxes in the office (3rd bedroom) that have bibs and bobs in them. I think tonight I might do a box. Perhaps if I do a box a night I can cull this stuff. To be honest I haven't used the things in those boxes for years and years... in fact I don't really remember what is in there.

The good news is I don't buy it anymore...but what is the fascination? Why do quality papers, gorgeous pens, highlighters, tabs, binders, stickers, notepads, etc appeal so much? What is this cellular juice that runs through my body when I am in Office Works?


I think I am going to explore this a little. Next time I am near an Office Works store I am going to go in and walk around and see what is going on. Discover what it is that has me get all worked up about this STUFF. It's so odd because it is not like I use it all or need it all. Basically I know I get by with a couple of pens and a notebook. Interesting hey?

Cheers from Deb (o-PEN to change) 

What came in - 1 items

A DVD - an oldie but a goodie

What went out - 6 items

Sammi to the rescue. She went through her DVDs and 6 went out. She rocks!


(1) I use a small percentage of the STUFF we have
(2) There is something other than 'need' driving decisions

 TOTAL: OUT - 806  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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