Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 66 & 67: The Devil's In The Detail

When I look at my home, it is rather tidy and appears sorted... the closer I look, the more I know that's simply not the case.


Why the heck do we keep this stuff?

What has us not realise straight up that we won't need to keep every USB extension cord that crosses our path. Or those iPhone boxes that are just so deliciously yummy. We can't seem to part with them. Oh of course we MAY sell the phone one day and NEED that box. We have been through iPhone 3's, 4's and now have 5's soon to be 6's. And yet we have a known transition plan. When we upgrade Steve (ex hubby) gets my 5 and Sammi gets Jerry's.

So please someone with more understanding than me.... why do we hold on to this stuff?

I figure that if I don't have a storage area for them, they won't be kept. Perhaps I should leave all the boxes and fabulously sexy packaging at the store. If we all did that, would apple get a message and stop creating this waste? Dreaming there miss Deb...dreaming.

I know if I start at my home and with my family, this day by day shift will make a difference to our choices. This blog, may help stimulate a sprinkle of extra consideration when making purchases in others. I believe it is small changes that make the biggest difference.

I wonder how magical it would have been to live in simpler times. I believe there was more connection, deeper relationships, less dis-ease, and smarter choices. I am worming my way back to this simple way of living. I am nervous because I love my mod cons... but I know that once I break the back of this consumer drug I will experience a new found freedom.

Cheers Deb (riding the wave of 'simple')


What went out - 16 items

A bunch of old and useless tech.


What came in - 0 items

A good weekend of no purchases

(1) I am completely sucked into sexy packaging
(2) The amount of packaging appears to be getting worse, not better
(3) Small changes can make a big difference

TOTAL: OUT - 923  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48 

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