Sunday 15 March 2015

Day 71, 72 & 73 How South Africa Opened My Eyes

I am gobsmacked at the amount of crap I have. OMG!! It is crazy.

What would a South African child say?

When Jerry and I toured South Africa with a bunch of friends back in 2012 we were part of a private tour visiting the real side of this country, not the tourist spots.

It touched my heart so deeply. I didn't feel sad or feel compelled to help anyone. I could see the joy in their hearts and I it was clear that having nothing enabled great gratitude for love, connection and the simple pleasures in life. It touched my heart to see and feel the love of this country and the groundedness of the people.

We saw people happy to carry a brick for miles back to their small 10 x 10 metre space with their shack, most without windows, some without roofs. We saw them all decorated with their individual beauty. Such pride for their homes. We loved how they all communed to cook and eat. And the kids just played... gorgeous.

This highlighted to me the strange part world I have come from. Civilised apparently, Really? Makes you think, doesn't it?

This 'jump off the consumer train' is bringing back all those memories. I believe I am moving to something new and it's important to clear out the old. I can feel it deep inside my heart. 

This leads me onto the real story here....

This is the story of trust. For some reason I trust that which I don't know. Doesn't mean it doesn't scare me, doesn't mean I have to believe it... but I do trust it. As I watch the course of my journey unfold I can see it clearing a path for something new, something requiring space, something important. 

I'm not going to bang on here about it being something big, life changing, or grandiose.. that would be the new age ego built from course goers of Anthony Robbins etc. No this is something for me... something important to my heart. 

Trust is an interesting concept. To trust is to let go and allow that which you love, to appear. I find that when I set my heart in motion and get out of the way, real things happen. And to be honest it often appears the journey is off course but something inside knows and in this I trust. I soon find the light and the grand plan is revealed. Whenever I am unsure I simply sit still, connect with my heart and check-in to see if we are on track. So far, so good.

There are currently changes in all areas of my life. This blog is a expression of these changes. 

Feels a little like I am on an 'Eat, Pray, Love' adventure. I have found the love of my life... but I think it might be a deep dive into my own soul. Gosh, that sounds a little

Cheers from Deb (Eating, praying and soaking in the love... with bubbles of course)

What went out - 8 items

3 perfumes (never used), 2 empty boxes, 1 bracelet, 2 skirts.
Maybe I should package all this stuff up and send to South Africa... bam!! YES!!

What came in - 0 items

High five


(1) Happiness is not a result of stuff
(2) Love comes in many forms
(3) Trust is deeper knowing from a quiet place inside

TOTAL: OUT - 945  IN - 117

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48


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