Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 64: Having Good In-Tensions

We are all in this together, colluding in this complex system called life.

Our relationship with tension determines our success in life

There is a functional relationship with tension that stimulates our imagination and our creativity. Look at puzzles, art, music, jokes, home project, something new etc. Anything that causes a discrepancy, generates tension.

It is our relationship with tension that then causes the end result (positive or negative).

I know you probably re-read that last statement once or twice more... and some of you are still wondering what the heck I am on about. Hang in there with me.

Let me give you an example. Say for instance that I am a perfectionist (BTW this example is about someone I know... no really, it is)... and I need my home to look hotel perfect. Then I would constantly see 'stuff' in my home that is different to how I think it should be. This is the discrepancy. So I would experience a tension. This tension would demand action to resolve it. Some may clean, some may rearrange, some may hide the non-perfect items, some may go shopping to upgrade. Once the tension is resolved, life can go on.

I believe my relationship with tension has resulted in me participating in the consumerism culture. A whole host of tensions have driven me over the years... and mostly I was unaware till now. Doing this year long challenge has brought all of them to the surface. I love this because I get an opportunity to see them. And even this creates tension.

The way I deal with this now is, I simply don't resolve it. I let it be. It is not a real thing. It is my relationship to the discrepancy. Over many years I have developed a great relationship with tension. So now when I see 'stuff' online, at friends places, when I can't find something to wear, need something I don't have etc I just let it be and don't go into action to resolve it.

This totally disconnects me from that consumerism culture. Instead I use my functional creative side to resolve the tension in favour of how I choose to live.

How does this relate to the gone-ski pile?

Instead of resolving the tension of the long day by watching TV and numbing out, I will jump up and go through a box of stuff and continue this clear out.

Instead of going op shopping on the weekend, I will spend quality time doing something my family wants to do. We are seeing more movies, going out to the beach, playing board games, reading books etc. You get the picture.

Small changes lead to BIG results.

Cheers from Deb (hanging out with my good buddy, Mr Tension)

What went out - 1 items

An old Metronome that was lent to us by a friend who told me to pass it along

What came in - 2 items

More DVDs arrived in the post. Jerry said "I'm not helping am I honey?".. we laughed. Then he responded "they were on the wish-list". Oh yeah right, pull that card out!


(1) The time between unconscious tension and (re) actions is expanding and allowing conscious choices more often.
(2) I want to make a cake on the weekend... maybe lemon and yogurt. YUM!!!


TOTAL: OUT - 808  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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