Tuesday 17 March 2015

Day 74 & 75: Small Steps Equals Giant 'Time' Leaps

As I take small steps on this journey I realise how big the leaps are that I am taking.

The steps I take on the non-consumerism journey are changing everything!

I am finding that every step I take on the small things in life, other areas are shifting along with it. Of course! This is because 'I' am shifting... every fibre of my being is shifting the way I see and do life. It has nothing to do with the de-cluttering, it has nothing to do with not shopping, it has nothing to do with the clean space we are creating. It has everything to do with the internal shift of my world.

I know I bang on about 'awareness', but it really is a key to changing life for the better. This means self observation, noticing and acknowledging the things that are working and those things that are not. Awareness is my best friend. By accepting all things I notice, not judging, and accepting my humanness is a great way to play this game. It is not always easy or feel like forward motion... and like de-cluttering your home, it can get worse before it gets better. Awareness is the key... have I said that enough yet... sorry! (LOL)

I have found that by focussing on small things I get big results. This is because of a concept called 'context switching'. It is backed up by science to explains what happens to our time when we juggle more than one thing. For example, if you are juggling:
  • two things your productivity is around 40% on each (20% wasted overall)
  • three things your productivity is around 20% on each (40% wasted overall)
  • four things your productivity is around 10% on each (60% wasted overall)
  • five things your productivity is around 5% on each (75% wasted overall)
The concept of small steps is something I believe could change lives. Too many of the positive affirmation, new age, rah rah crowd set massive goals and get completely hoodwinked by their own egos. They flog themselves and feel like they will never make it. But as we know all journeys start with just one step...and one step only. 

Breaking it all down into small steps and taking them until finished is the key. This is why I only remove a minimum of one item each day from the house. This is why I just focus on not bringing anything into the home. Achievable, small steps that make a massive difference. AND I don't beat myself up if I can't get to it.

It is the insights that are spilling over into all areas of my life that's surprising me. In some way it is showing me how off the path I have been for so long. But I am not into self-judgement or regret as I have said. I'd rather turn my face to the sun and move my feet on the next steps.

Another thing I have noticed is the time I am creating. It is showing in my work diary, my home life, my sleep and my social life. Fantastic!

Cheers from Deb (chief little big steps)

What went out - 7 items

2 of those power-point protectors for kids, 5 metal hinged handles (don't ask my...lol)

What came in - 0 items

Lovin' it


(1) Small steps equal massive results
(2) When you finish a small step, your celebration motivates more steps
(3) I love quality chocolate but only in small doses... what is that!!??

TOTAL: OUT - 952  IN - 117

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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