Friday 6 March 2015

Day 65: When Empty Means Full & Full Means Empty

Another box in the office down... and a few more insights I didn't see coming.


What has us keep those darn business cards?

Let me just paint a picture for you...
We had a pile of business cards which we'd never referenced (about 150 of them), we put them into a lovely bamboo box (open at the top) and put this inside a plastic storage container. This is hilarious! These cards have cluttered our lives for years and provided absolutely no value. Stop laughing.. LOL.

Today I separated them into cards Jerry's collected and those I had brought home.

And out of my 68 cards only six of them were numbers I needed. So into the iPhone they went. It was that easy.

Why did it take us so long to do this? 

I know I have shuffled those darn business cards around for years with all good intentions. But why had I not cleared these out earlier? When I reflect on this I realise it was my story about 'not enough time'. The time story was just bullshit. The truth is I simple didn't have what I have today... a dedication to clear the 'stuff' one small step at a time and stop bringing in the spoils of a consumerism culture.  

In the past I would look at this 'stuff' and just put it off for another day. When I look at the amount of time, money and wasted space this simple example has taken I realise how stupid this consumerism scam is. And what's worse is, it is a scam I am pulling on myself. 

It's getting clearer and clearer every day. The shift I thought we were going to have on this 365 day challenge is only the tip of the iceberg.

Cheers from Deb (would you like my business card)

What went out - 99 items

5 files of crap (papers, receipts etc), 11 coasters, 68 business cards, 13 paint swatches, 1 plate and 1 strainer.

What came in - 0 items

Sitting back with a cocktail in my hand...pass the olives.

(1) Our stories of 'need' are not real
(2) It takes will (a relentless dedication to the truth) to make a shift


TOTAL: OUT - 907  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48 


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