Wednesday 18 March 2015

Day 76: How Many Socks Do Ya Need?

I finally bit the bullet and turfed out all the odd socks. 22 odd socks have been hanging around waiting for their friends... OMG!! 

Where do all the odd socks go?

This is a true mystery. I held on to these odd socks expecting their partners to appear somewhere... anywhere! I have moved them around for I don't know how long. From drawers to baskets, back into drawers, back into baskets. How crazy. And here is the funny part, they're not even nice socks. LOL .

The amount of time and energy that has been sucked into the sock vortex is hilarious. Even now this blog spends time on them. They are clearly taking over my life....oh no, save me!! LOL.

I have added 3 pairs of socks to my wish-list. Not just boring old Bonds socks... I am thinking something a little more special. I will keep my eye out for them. Actually that is fairly difficult given I don't go shopping these days.

Here's an idea. What if I put together a focussed shopping day. I have a few things in mind from my wish-list. One of those things is a new quilt cover for our bed. I am thinking that something more colourful and interesting... definitely in deep blood red colours. Oh yeah! Game face on.

I will book it in some time down the track... and keep you posted.

As for the socks in the bin... gone-ski. And the space I get back is approximately 25cm x 25cm from the office as this is how big the basket was that held the socks. Miss Sammi has claimed it for her room. My bet is that this basket is soon to reach the gone-ski pile too.

The unanswered question is: Where do all those socks go? Anybody know the answer?

Cheers from Deb (chief little big steps and matching socks)

What went out - 24 items

2 Lanyards and 22 odd socks.

What came in - 0 items

Doing the smarty pants dance


(1) The socks vortex is a one way pipeline
(2) Nobody darns socks these days... do they? 

TOTAL: OUT - 976  IN - 117

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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