Wednesday 11 March 2015

Day 70: How NOT Going Shopping This Weekend Could Change The World (for the better)

Every action impacts the whole. Whoa!! That's pretty deep isn't it?!

Why bother?.. well let me tell you why.

If you slow the inward flow and at the same time de-clutter the space you occupy, life changes. You feel better, your food taste nicer, your sex life improves, you sleep deeper, your connection to self grows, your view of life shifts and your relationship with others deepens.

Let me give you an example...

When I came across the Occupy Wall Street movement I had a reaction. I thought it was as equally bad an idea as those they were trying to bring down.
My view is this... if you rip this system down quickly it is not the dudes at the top that will get hurt, it is the mums and dads working in these corporations, earning a living, feeding their families etc that will crumble. Imagine the impact of all the banks shutting down tomorrow. All their employees, their families and friends will be shattered... emotionally, financially and spiritually. AND all of us are impacted...just think about it.

This would bring down and possibly destroy the fabric of society. Then what?

My view is, we need to slowly unplug from the corporatized co-dependent consumer culture. This will enable the market to respond and refocus supply to the new demands. It's that simple.

So my question to me is... what am I demanding from the market?

Am I demanding clean, fresh, real food... or do I continue to demand processed, non-seasonal goods? Am I demanding sustainable products made without harm to the environment or people... or do I look for cheap unsustainable products?

You get the picture.

When we each shift, we impact those around us. It is sometimes referred to as the 'butterfly effect'. It's a part of chaos theory... makes sense? (yes...go to google).

We shift a culture by the choices we make. We are human beings and can only take one step at a time. My goal is to make good choices and unravel this mess.... SLOWLY!!!

Cheers from Deb (Captain of the 'let's consider the whole as we shift' team)


What went out - 3 items

A few small boxes in the office cupboard (it's like a clown car...seriously!!)

What came in - 1 items

A photo jacket vest for Jerry... from the wish-list


(1) Riot mentality won't resolve big issues
(2) Every choice I make impacts us all
(3) I love apples (real, local, fresh and non-GMO)


TOTAL: OUT - 937  IN - 117

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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