Monday 23 March 2015

Day 77-81: Ouch, the ground is hard when you fall off the GONE-SKI wagon.

A busy end of week, a great weekend in Sydney, hanging out with my daughter, snuggling with my man and catching up with friends had me slip off the gone-ski wagon without a care in the world. AND THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE!! Nothing matters.

Why doesn't it matter if I stuff up?

It has taken me a long time to realise nothing matters. I know, we could sit here and argue this point all day. And that wouldn't matter either. So let me tell why I say 'nothing matters'

The present moment is all there is. Being in the present moment is all we are meant to live. Some of us spend most of our lives regretting the past, some of us spend most of our lives worrying about the future. Rarely do we soak in the actual moment of now. The funny thing is, this is the only real moment. The past and future are your 'version' of life, not actual reality. 

As you know, I am happy to make mistakes, learn, stuff up, explore and discover more about myself in every moment. It's like a big experiment. So if and when I do stuff up, I just accept it and move on. I don't deny it, I don't hide from it, I don't try to sugar coat it... I just accept it. This hasn't always been easy to do. Perhaps it is an age thing that has enabled me to do this, or perhaps a level of courage that has been nurtured and grown by sharing experiences with others. Who knows?

Any-who... back to 'nothing matters'. What this means to me is, regardless of what happens it doesn't really matter... because... and wait for it... IT IS DONE. Move on. It doesn't matter if you spilt the milk. It doesn't matter if you hurt someone. It doesn't matter if you won the lottery. It doesn't matter if you act like an idiot. IT DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is what you do next in the present moment. And then that doesn't matter either.

At the end of the day it is all about finding your true reflection of self and sharing this with the world. This includes being humble. Being able to accept you stuffed up and realising it doesn't matter. That your next actions are what count. Your honest acceptance of self and others. All of this leads us to the understanding that life is a series of trials and errors on the journey of discovery. And we can either enjoy the journey, the loves, the laughs, the falls, the wins and the losses... or we can just sit down, stop trying, and give up. NAH!!! It is too good to miss.  

PS - for those folks that still like to point out peoples foibles or let them know 'it's just your stuff'.. or 'it's just a story'.. or other half wise (righteous) comments... consider backing off a little and simply focus on your own journey. Allowing people to discover life in their own way, in their own time is a gift worth giving. And just maybe, be kind to yourself also. We are all students of life. 

Cheers from Deb (back in the saddle....giddy up!!)

What went out - 9 items

A mix of bibs and bobs... no defined area reviewed, simply a collection of items from around the house.

What came in - 7 items

I picked up the 'shungite' ring I had on layby... yay!! Found 3 items for my work wardrobe (two short groovy business jackets I will wear over dresses and a Ted Baker trench coat), a pair of green suede kick-ass shoes, a merino wool jumper and shrug for Sammi - all from an op shop (for less than $100)   


(1) Other peoples journeys are simply that
(2) Nothing matters really
(3) As long as there is chocolate all will be ok


TOTAL: OUT - 985  IN - 124

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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