Wednesday 4 March 2015

Day 63: Putting Your Life In A Box May Mean More Than You Think

Today I started cleansing the STUFF in the boxes in the office.

Surely I am not the only one doing this?

I have plastic boxes holding a plethora of 'stuff' in our office. I am guessing I am not alone here. What do we do with these things? It is a horrible waste to throw the stuff (and the boxes for that matter) away and most don't appear suitable for the charity shops.

Stopping the flow 'in' solves everything!

Being human invites us to grow from experiences. We can either expand our world or contract it. I believe it is our ability to accept 'what is' and 'observe' ourselves that gives us the best viewing platform for growth.

If I was into self-judgement or shame this blog wouldn't be possible, my learning would not happen and sharing it with you would be just a fleeting thought.

Why are we not ok to be human? What has us think there is a higher place to live than where we are right now?

As humans we can only take one step from here. We have choice, don't get me wrong. This is something I am very clear about. But once we make the step towards something, we can only take one at a time. We allow babies to do this when they learn to walk, we let children do this at school... but after a certain period some parents put adult expectations on children and show disappointment when they have learning opportunities (mistakes, errors, poor judgement). What is that all about?!!

I am so happy to learn, grow, share and make mistakes. It has been the greatest asset in my life. From this I find out loads of ways 'not' to do things. And this catapults me towards ways of creating magic in most occasions. I parent this way. I have a completely open learning household where Sammi (12 yrs) can make mistakes, share what she learns etc. Even when she hurts me or others... there is never anger. Instead we talk about it and encourage empathy, understanding and growth. 

This was an accidental parenting style that emerged rather than was chosen. It came from me getting angry with her when she was little and I saw it didn't give her anything and didn't expand her. So from that day I took my egoic needs out of the equation and looked at every circumstance with innocence and love. 

What has this got to do with boxes... maybe nothing. Unless we decided to put ourselves in one.

Cheers from Deb (chief box head)

Shameless plug - if you are interested in having me as your personal coach drop me an email - we can enjoy one step at a time together.

What went out - 2 items

No laughing now... 1 x IPhone 4 cradles for the music player (oh yeah, really needed to keep those!!) and 1/2 packet of paper business cards for the printer...gone-ski!

What came in - 0 items



(1) I'm not a fan of plastic...
(2) Organising with boxes may constrain rather than contain
(3) Self created boxes may be comfortable, but that's as big as it gets

TOTAL: OUT - 808  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48


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