Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 69: Yin Yang Have Some Explaining To Do

Not much time so I scurried into the office and found two empty boxes that we just don't need.


It feels like a clown car at our place...seriously!

It is astonishing how much 'stuff' we are getting rid of and we still have shed loads more. I wonder how different it would be if other people had to do this for us. What about all those people who have to clear out their parents homes because of various circumstances.

My dad recently moved into a nursing home. As I walk around my parents home, where my mum still lives, I wonder about all the 'things' they have. My dads workshop, stocked with everything a handy man would ever think of using, has sat still since his stroke in December 2006. I think about the waste here. These items could be used by young men without the funds to get this stuff... or it could go to a men's shed to be used by a bunch of folks. But instead it sits still with not a breath of air passing through. Makes you stop and think. 

I don't know how my mum is going to clear all this out or whether she ever will. We talk about it being moved out, sold etc but understandably she just doesn't see the next step. My heart goes out to her as she sits in the grief of the loss of her life partner. Not easy... not kind, not anything we want in our lives. 

I have a friend who coaches older folks in this transition period. I salute her work as she carries their hearts and clears some of their life long possessions into the next phase of life.   

Imagine if I could outsource my gone-ski journey. What would the brief be? I've just got an idea... how about I give a brief to myself...could I follow it?

Dear de-clutterer (me),
Here are my requirements for this job. Please ensure you follow these regardless of the bitching and moaning I will do, regardless of the irrational thoughts and arguments I make, and most importantly... no laughing!!

Please get rid of anything that does not get a YES:
  • If I didn't own it, would I buy it?
  • Did I use this in the last 2 years?
  • Will I use this in the next 2 years?
  • Does it align to our philosophies?
  • Is it part of our spiritual framework?
  • Will my heart be broken if this is gone?
Here are some non valid reasons to keep things:
  • My mum, daughter, hubby, best friend etc gave it to me (big list.. and nothing here I have chosen so it is now my choice whether it stays of goes)
  • I used to love it (and we change...right?)
  • I may use it one day (yeah right...pants on fire)
  • It cost heaps (I've already spent the money...this is a non-argument)
  • Just because (sounds valid...NOT!!)
Ok...sign here!!

Cheers from Deb (I don't sign anything without my attorney seeing it first)

What went out - 2 items

2 useless boxes

What came in - 0 items

On a roll

(1) Ownership is a myth ... for when we die we return to dust without our Jimmy Choos
(2) Stopping the flow in is the critical success factor for this journey
(3) I need to help my mum through this

TOTAL: OUT - 934  IN - 116

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48  

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