Sunday 1 March 2015

Day 58 & 59: IN-Sanity - You Won't Believe What Came Into The House This Weekend.

Oh dear... possibly a tsunami level of inward flow at the Jackson house.

You Won't Believe What Came Into The House This Weekend

I enjoyed a lazy morning in bed reading a book... actually, I read through to 1pm and then had a little sleep. Loved it! Meanwhile hubby went off to enjoy his passion at the local DVD store which was closing down... sign of the times hey? It was an opportunity for him to pick up some classics missing from his collection. INCOMING WARNING!!
I didn't realise what this meant until I saw the pile. 36 DVDs made there way into the house. Oh boy!! It started a conversation about moving all the DVDs to an online medium. This would enable us to get ALL the DVDs out of the house. Jerry was saying this was not as easy as it sounds. Time to research me thinks.
In the mean time we may have come up with an interim solution. The issue with the amount of DVDs we have is the space they take up. We have a little home and 300+ DVDs take up quite a lot of space. It may be more than this... have to count them.
The solution we are going to try is to put each DVD in a sleeve and keep the cover art with the sleeve. We will convert a drawers into a DVD storage system like they do at the DVD stores. It will take up so much less space. Don't know exactly how this will work however the end result will be the bulky plastic cases will be gone-ski . One option is something called Discsox. It appears they are high quality sleeves just for this purpose. I will let you know how we go.

This will enable us to take the (somewhat ugly) cabinet out of the lounge room. This will clear the space in readiness for the lounge room makeover we have planned. 


What came in - 36 

36 DVDs - classics 

What went out - 1 items

1 top I don't wear


(1) Finding a solution to the things you cherish is fun to do
(2) Piracy creates the need to protect from theft yet hampers all users making copies of items they have purchased. A strange industry.   

TOTAL: OUT - 797  IN - 112

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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