Thursday 26 February 2015

Day 56 & 57: Why Device Distraction Disorder Feels So Good

A quick one today... nothing really to report.

Device Distraction Disorder

I coined this phrase at work when holding meetings and watching people on their devices. I call attention to it as I point to my laptop, my personal iPhone 5 and my work iPhone 6 plus. We all laugh, but the truth is this distraction is disconnecting us from being present.

Distractions are a way to escape the discomforts of life. TV, alcohol, social media etc are all obvious ones. Being aware is the key. Like anything we do in life, awareness helps us navigate with intention.

Which brings me to todays 'Hans Christian Anderson' moment. Where does all the old tech go? In a box in our cupboard of course! You know the box. The one with the cords, old iPhones, broken (just in case) ear-buds, storage devices no one has readers for, floppy discs (no, really?!), and other stuff we don't know what it's used for. Have you got one of those?

Any-who... (change of subject)  

The last two nights have been social nights out for us. We loved it. Dinner with great friends, a farewell to a colleague after work and staying in the city overnight results in no gone-ski items for two days. Does this bother me... nah!

We will get back to it.

Have a brilliant day
Cheers from Deb (tired and looking forward to a sleep in)

What went out - 0 items

Zip (a-dee-do-dah)

What came in - 0 items

Naught (ty)


(1) No matter how committed you are, a night with friends, good food, fine wine and a sleep over cannot be overlooked as a spectacular excuse not to gone-ski items.
(2) Note to self... SLEEP IN TOMRROW!!


TOTAL: OUT - 796  IN - 76

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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