Sunday 15 February 2015

Day 46: My Reaction To My First Day of Zero Items OUT?!

I was soaking in the day relaxing after a fairly emotional day (for one reason or another). This involved a bushwalk, getting through the washing, and doing some graphic design.

I forgot to do my gone-ski duties

I was so tired, so relaxed and got a little lost in 'The Block' (TV show), that I TOTALLY forgot about finding some items to get rid of.

As I commenced writing today I was shocked that I hadn't done it. I was so disappointed and then I laughed at my reaction. So what, right!? We both know 'nothing really matters'... that it is only our relationship to what matters that gives us any grief.

The way we react is interesting and a gift if we are brave enough to look at it. For some this would be considered a failure and they would give up. Some would not tell you the truth just make something up to save face. Some would beat themselves up continually and rationalise it till they got a nose bleed. Getting the picture?

To be ok with 'what is' is an art form we learn as we become aware and real about life. It takes practice. Knowing 'what people think about you is none of your business' is a good place to start.   

So with that in mind I happily share with you that there is nothing to report today. Nothing in and nothing out.

The funny thing is we may not be home tonight as we could be staying in the city depending on the turn of events this afternoon. So there may be another day of zero action. OH NO!! LOL.

What went out - 0 items

Don't say a word... LOL 

What came in - 0 items

And very happy to report we have absolutely no urge to go to the shops... 'consumerism coma' habit broken


(1) Our reactions to life's circumstances are what cause the pain, not the circumstances.
(2) Nothing matters, have a laugh and don't take life too seriously.


TOTAL: OUT - 770  IN - 67

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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