Friday 13 February 2015

Day 44: 10 Ways to Celebrate Love No Matter What Day it is

Love is such a special gift it is always worth celebrating.

All you need is love... (dah da da da daaaahhhh)

Love comes in many packages and in most cases challenges us along the journey. It is a
blessing to find a partner that understands and cherishes you. Deep love will push our buttons and have us grow into more of our hearts... that is, if we are brave enough to go the distance.

When it comes to a crazy tradition like Valentines Day, the expectations completely take over and have most of us join in the retail ritual of no return. So rather than be part of the consumer calendar perhaps we can dip into our imagination and create special moments from the heart and not the wallet.  

Here are a few ideas...
  1. Give your partner a loving massage with all the trimmings - music, lighting, essential oils.
  2. Create a picnic and enjoy a cuddle under a tree
  3. Write a little love note and leave it somewhere as a surprise
  4. Watch his or her favourite movie with some home-made nibbles and a glass of wine
  5. Take a different way home and stop off at the beach for a walk in the sand
  6. Holding hands
  7. Sharing your ice-cream for the very first time
  8. Leave life's 'have to's' and spend time doing something together
  9. Turn the TV off, leave phones in another room and BE with each other
  10. Ask them on a date... create some fun around the anticipation
Enjoy every day you can as they're all are you.

Cheers from Deb (high priestess of love)    

What went out - 5 items

A couple of CD's, a game and a DVD


What came in - 0 items



(1) There are more than 50 shades of romance
(2) Nothing beats authentic romance from the heart

TOTAL: OUT - 768  IN - 66

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48 

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