Tuesday 24 February 2015

Day 55: How Will We Store Our Books In The Future?

With the digital world changing how we get our information, storage becomes the new bookshelf.

What Books Do I Keep?

Today I was looking at our book cases. I love the look and feel of books. They add warmth to the home and each one holds wisdom and adventure. So what will this look like in 5 years time? What about in 20 years? Will we be all fully online for everything? Then what will happen to all the books in the world?

My thoughts around this involves the constant shifting of storage types. I mean one upon a time we recorded digital media on tape drives, then floppy drives, then CDs, DVDs and now hard drives. Will there come a day when my hard drive will no longer be read by the device and programs I have. Then what? We are already looking at recorded media at our house that is likely not to be read. I have videos of me playing touch football 20 years ago that may no longer play.

Books on the other hand last as long as the paper (based on weather conditions etc). Stories in those books enable us to know cultures, people and events. The cultures we know little about are the ones that have not recorded their stories.

This tells me how little we really know. Makes me see the power of intuition and the travel across all time and space we can do by sitting in stillness to connect with that which we don't know.

So what will we do with our books? I don't know.

For now, I ended up finding 4 books I bought when pregnant that showed you how to unleash your child's genius. They are amazing books. One in particular came from the US and cost (wait for it) $140 to ship. The book was only $15. (clearly I am not over that!!)

From these books, I made a lot of props to support the stimulation of my gorgeous daughters genius. She was reading before she could speak.

So now it is time to get rid of them and the props. I will definitely be putting these on the 'for sale' pile.

As for the rest of the books... not sure what we are going to do with them. Time will tell.

Cheers from Deb (perplexed by the info storage challenges of the future) 

What went out - 4 items


What came in - 0 items

Nothing again... (big fat silly smile)


(1) The world is in a constant state of flux... changing with it enables growth
(2) It is not the book itself, it is the insights one gets when reading them, that creates value

TOTAL: OUT - 796  IN - 76

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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