Wednesday 4 February 2015

Day35: It Takes Only One Thing To Create Change

Getting the clutter out of the house is unbelievable. Imagine what it will be like by the end of the year...yes, we are going for 365 days. 

Focus creates reality

When we first started this journey I decided to write this blog to keep myself honest. I am not sure who's reading this, giggling at it, or if it's having an impact... but I can tell you, being accountable to this blog every day MAKES IT HAPPEN.

Our home is starting to breath easier. Not that it was full to the brim... but it is a tiny home and really doesn't like lots of stuff.

The outcome of this commitment is new behaviours are forming, new principles are developing and our appreciation for experiences has gone into hyper drive.

Having a focus, we not only get amazing results, we gain an awareness of our shadow self and reveals unconscious beliefs, assumptions and addictions. We are loving the results and the journey....bring it!!

What went out - 42 items

We cleaned up under Sammi's desk in her room to enable her to do homework in peace. We then did the bottom of her wardrobe. We found lots of things she got as a young child.

What came in - 0 items

Doing the happy dance...oh yeah!!



(1) Focus enables a deeper level of self-reflection
(2) Just because something is beautiful, it doesn't mean you have to keep it.

TOTAL: OUT - 691   IN - 49


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