Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 49: How More Space Equals More Connection

When you do a little every day towards a choice in life, things shift permanently.

More space equals more connection

It is incredible to me how this small change have made such a big difference. Last night I was in our daughter's room as she was doing homework. The room felt different. It had more space in it for her to express herself. It looked cleaner even though she was busy with things here and there. It was inviting. It was actually the first time she had done her homework in her room...and the first time I had gone in and worked along side her.

I notice we are using the house differently. When an area is free from clutter it's much more inviting.

I don't know where this will end. Actually as I write this I realise it will never end... like anything we change, it keeps morphing and shifting as we continue to grow into our true expression of self. And as we discover more of ourselves and life, we lift our sights even further on our true (higher) self.

Hope your journey is evolving through your choices and actions...and not through circumstances.

When we are clear on our choices in life AND when we take action towards those choices, shift happens. Small daily actions become massive leaps in achieving an outcome. Ask any author, artist, sports person, academic, etc. You cannot 'cram' life. It just doesn't work that way. And no matter what circumstances occur, how far they bump you off the path, knowing the path and continuing to walk it is all you need to do. The moment you let circumstances guide you, you are at the mercy of everyone else's journey, not yours.

The trick is to be relentlessly dedicated to your choices, your outcome. You will be surprised at how quickly life shifts.. and your heart will start to blossom.

Cheers from Deb (a ponderer of life)

What went out - 1 items

Another loiterer in my wardrobe (what was I thinking...LOL)

What came in - 1 items

Can opener (had to replace our broken, silly billy one)


(1) Even the smallest, most modest of homes can be transformed by clean space
(2) Nothing beats spending time with those you love

TOTAL: OUT - 776  IN - 68

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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