Wednesday 11 February 2015

Day 42: Can You Find Five Items in Five Minutes?

It takes me only 2 minutes a day to clear our the crap.


Take the challenge

If you are a little sick of the closet you can't get one more thing in.... or ANYTHING out, then maybe this challenge is for you.

Once you finish reading this short little blog, get up off your chair no matter where you are (oh unless you are in a bus...LOL) and find five things you can trash, donate or sell.

Here are a few ideas:
  • Walk into your kitchen and open that second drawer and you will see heaps of things you can get rid of.
Go into your wardrobe and find five pieces of clothing you have not worn for over two years. I bet you find more than five.

Open your bathroom vanity drawer or cupboard and look at the empty bottles, half bottles, unopened bottles of lotions and potions...surely there are at least five that can go.

And last but not least....go to your shoes and see if you can find five pairs that need to be escorted out of the building.

Don't just sit you go.

And let me know how many you find - drop a message on our Facebook group

Cheers from Deb Field (chief crap finder)

What went out - 7 items

I opened my wardrobe and found 7 tops I don't want any more... GONE! Yes, I know, over achiever (looking at the ground, kicking the dirt with my shoes)


What came in - 0 items

A big fat zero again...yay!


(1) Lots of people are joining me on this journey (how cool)
(2) Its easy to make any change when you do it with friends

TOTAL: OUT - 761  IN - 66

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $43 

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