Tuesday 3 February 2015

Day 34: How Many Audio Cassettes Does It Take To...?

OMG... I just found 6 audio cassettes in our bookcase! WTF!! We haven't had an cassette player for over 10 years. What does that tell you?

What was hilarious was my impulse to save them and somehow get them converted... NO!!!! I have not reached for these forever so why do I think I will use them in the future. GONE-SKI!!

What went out - 22 items

A pile of audio cassettes, a stack of those small little books you only read once... like '60 Ways To Feel Amazing". Isn't it incredible that I have felt amazing so often and haven't needed the book to do so. Gone!

What went in - 0 items

Nothing. And no desire to go out and buy anything. One thing I notice now is, every thought I have of something we need, I instantly think wish-list, not shopping.


(1) Holding onto anything we have never reached for reveals a belief of some kind
(2) The money spent on impulse buys is better used to create experiences

TOTAL: OUT - 648   IN - 49

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