Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 43: Nothing Says Love Like a Stuffed Bear, Wrapped in Plastic, Made in China

Come on people...let's not get sucked into this: 'I know he loves me! He bought me a beautifully wrapped box of paraffin with artificial colours and flavours'... !! 

Stupid is as cupid does

Valentines Day is a myth perpetuated by the retail industry to wake us up from the consumer hibernation after the post Christmas sales. We are jolted into a sense of panic of not buying 'just the right thing' for those we love.

The store displays and advertising generate a frenzy and intimate the more we spend, the more loving and romantic we are.

Does it guarantee love? Does it express the true message of our hearts? Does it mean we are good people?

What it does mean is there are more useless pieces of clutter, made in factories by people paid way too little, destined for the rubbish tip, and certain to keep people distracted from the true passions of the heart. In essence this false love burst is a reflection of the consumer collaboration keeping us from authentic living. 

Choose carefully how you express your love this year. Keep it real.   

What went out - 2 items

Jerry tossed out two (old) pairs of shorts

What came in - 0 items



(1) We are all on a commercial calendar programmed to spend
(2) Many families (in the retail industry) rely on this calendar to feed their families. Deconstructing this entangled co-dependency needs to happen... considering all sides is important

TOTAL: OUT - 763  IN - 66

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48 (one more sale yesterday)

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