Sunday 22 February 2015

Day 52: Zero Gone-ski Day and Went Shopping!!

Another day without gone-ski plus we brought 8 new items into the house.

I can hear my consumerism rules ringing in my ears

Sammi (miss 12) and I meet a dear friend for lunch (planned) and then went to the Gnostic Rocks (a gemstone shop on the Central Coast NSW Australia...also planned) to find a pendant. It was a planned shopping trip for something on my wish-list.

Strangely last weekend we dropped in at the same store as it was next door to where we   picked up flowers for the 80th birthday party. And unexpectedly a piece jumped out at me....darn! It was a black ring, shungite. I loved it however I couldn't afford it, nor was it on my wish-list. I asked if they would hold it for 1 week to see if it really was meant to be mine. 

When we dropped into the store today I showed my friend who immediately agreed it was my ring. I knew I couldn't buy it put it on layby. Yay! Now to find the piece I came for. And it ended up being the first pendant that jumped out at me. It was a black smokey quartz unpolished, set in silver and open at the back. As soon as I put it on my whole chest activated and it radiated through to my back. Wow!

It was an obvious yes. I also picked up two black stones: a black taubaline and a black obsidian.  

Sammi found herself the moonstone pendant she had on her wish-list. She paid for it out of her own money. 

So how does all this stack up against the rules of the game?

The rules of the game:
(1) Each day I will clear out at least one item from my life
(2) More items are to be cleared, than to come into my life
(3) No more gifting people with things that clutter
(4) No purchase is made from impulse

Not bad...other than I didn't clear any items. No big deal, I will just have to clear out more tomorrow.

Cheers from Deb (in wonderment at the journey and the lessons)

What went out - 0 items

Oh dear... letting the team down here...LOL.

What came in - 8 items

Some jewellery, some stones, a new water bottle for school for Sammi and a camisole for me (all wish-list items)


(1) It feels different to shop with purpose
(2) I love time out with my girlfriends and miss Sammi

TOTAL: OUT - 775  IN - 75

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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