Tuesday 17 February 2015

Day 48: How Getting Rid Of Stuff Helps You, Helps Others

Why do we keep things we don't use?

It's too good to get rid of it... really?!

Let's explore this logic shall we? We get things and we can see they are beautifully made, good quality, etc. Yet for some reason it is not something we want, need or even like. You know the things I am talking about. That top your mum gave you, the dish you were given for your birthday, that ornament from your friend, that outfit your bought but never wear... the list goes on!

So what do we do?

Most of us keep them because of the sentimental value. Some can't get rid of them because "it's too good to get rid of it"... or "there's nothing wrong with it" or "but aunty Mary gave it to me". The list of reasons go on.

So how do we make the decision? What do we ask ourselves to enable the truest choice?

We could ask one simple question "If I didn't have this, would I buy it?" And if the answer is no, GONE-SKI!!

It's as simple as that. Isn't it? YES?....do I hear you say "but"? Explore your 'buts' there is gold in them there 'buts' folks.   

The other side to this equation is of course to stop things coming in. This is a great opportunity to let your family and friends know not to buy you anything that will clog up your home


What if, giving it away helps both you and the person that gets it?

By taking the things out of your home / life that are not there by your choice, you clear the space, you enable other things to be welcomed, you don't carry that 'must, should, have to' energy, you detach from the consumerism story and you find a new sense of freedom. 

By giving these things away other people benefit. And it is even better if they are quality items, that are loved etc. Why not make someone else's day by donating these things to people who actually WANT them?  

By helping yourself, you help another. Perfect!!

Cheers from Deb (looking beyond the dilemmas)


(1) Holding onto items that don't add value to our lives, clogs our flow
(2) People in need would be so joyous to receive items we hoard

What went out - 5 items

3 of my tops, 2 of Jerry's old (too good to get rid of...) sports coats...LOL


What came in  -  0 items

Loving this equation...feeling it too

TOTAL: OUT - 775  IN - 67

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48


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