Saturday 21 February 2015

Day 51: What Happens When There Is No More To Clear?

Nothing to report for yesterday other than I notice we are distracted by other things. That biggy.


What happens when there is no more to clear?

Will this happen before we hit December 31st 2015? Will we run out of gone-ski items by day 365? Interesting question posed by Sammi (miss 12 yr old).

I think the harder this gets, the more we will learn about ourselves. When there are no more items to clear, I am sure there will be a level of gratitude beyond what I have known to date.

I have never wanted for anything other than my true hearts passions. I had everything I needed as a child and throughout the years. I have had tough times financially however over the last many years and it has brought home some truths. All this is leading me somewhere. I can feel it coming. Even the shadows are appearing to prevent the next leap. 

It's amazing how when you are walking towards your higher calling, forces appear to block the path. I imagine most reframe this as an indication it is the wrong path. Perfect outcome for preventing the risk of failure, right? After all how would we be if after all this time we fail at the very thing we believe we are here to do?

A better question is...

Do we ever fail? Or is simply not trying the ultimate fail? or...
Do we get so distracted by the 'false' life, the one we chase for our egos happiness...?
How can we know?

All very cool questions to explore....have fun with them?

Cheers from Deb (shadow boxing in stillness)

What went out - 0 items


What came in - 0 items




(1) Awareness of all aspects of the journey bring freedom, including the shadows
(2) The more tension applied the greater the results (let's see how we feel at day 365)


TOTAL: OUT - 775  IN - 67

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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