Monday 23 February 2015

Day 54: SPACE, The Final Frontier

It only takes 5 minutes a day to get into the habit of clearing out the clutter.

Clearing out is the easy part

Stopping the incoming items is the hardest part. The idiom 'nature abhors a vacuum' explains the tension 'naturally' generated when we deem a space empty. It is about redefining the space.

Is it empty or is it open and clear? What does a clear, clean space mean to you? How does it feel? Where will you put the time you used to invest in moving, cleaning and dealing with the clutter? What passion have you got inside your heart that now can be explored?

A reduction of items coming in has meant a big difference to us. We use our time differently. We use our space differently. We appreciate our things so much more.

This journey is changing our lives in a lovely, slow and permanent way.

Have you been inspired? Share your experience here (my blog's facebook group)

Cheers from Deb (soaking in gratitude)

What went out - 7 items

One pair of shoes and 6 pieces of clothing from Jerry's wardrobe (his choices)

What came in - 0 items

Nothing again...loving this.


(1) The definition of clear space impacts how you use it
(2) Stuff has no value what so ever. The way we use stuff makes it valuable.

TOTAL: OUT - 792  IN - 76

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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