Sunday 22 February 2015

Day 53: How Simple Actions Can Create Great Change

You have two choices. To sit and do nothing or to get up and do something.


How Simple Actions Can Create Great Change

I opened up one of the sides of my dresser where I stash my soft 'warmies' (pullovers etc). I'm not sure if doing this in summer is smart or really stoooopid. Any-who, a quick try on session and out go 10 items. It felt really good. Someone in need is going to really like these.

This is how the should I or shouldn't I thing went down...

I was sitting in my chair watching TV after a long day. I really didn't want to do anything! However my nagging gone-ski angel was continually tapping me on the shoulder to get up out of that there chair missy. Boy she is pushy sometimes (secretly glad but putting on a sad face anyway).

I realised I had a choice to either sit there or get up and do something. The later was not appealing but I knew it was the truest thing to do. So I dragged myself out of my comfy chair and walked into the bedroom and looked around for a place to investigate. Bam...there it was, my 'warmies'.

I realised I had about 6 of the same kind of zip up pullovers (not really a pullover then are they...LOL). And some of them were just tired, not worn any more and needed to go out. Gone-ski!

The item shown in the picture is going up for sale as it is brand new but I've never worn it. Should add to our holiday fund nicely.

What went out - 10 items

Various pullovers - this makes up for yesterday (snicker)


What came in - 1 items

I bought a ceramic pot for an indoor plant that needs some loving


(1) Having others vote on whether to toss something helps a lot
(2) You can only wear one thing at a time


TOTAL: OUT - 785  IN - 76

TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48

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