Sunday 1 February 2015

Day 32: Unplugging From The Consumer Matrix

Sometimes I feel like I live in the matrix without any blue pill.

I am embarrassed to say how many black coats I had (until this morning). Seventeen!! WTF!!??!!

How could this be? How could I have seventeen different black coats? Admittedly I didn't pay full retail for most of them, but still they were part of my consumerism madness.

Even when I counted them it seemed impossible that there were seventeen. OMG!

So out with the old... and no way is there going to be any new. Enough is enough, no matter how much of a bargain they appear to be.


What went out - 4 items

Four coats that I find myself no longer wearing


What came in - 0 items

Nothing new came in da house


(1) A bargain is something I find at a ridiculously good price, that is ON MY WISH-LIST
(2) There is such a thing as TOO MUCH

TOTAL: OUT - 625   IN - 49

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