Monday 2 February 2015

Day 33: One Decision Saved over $1000 this Month

There is no way I would have realised how much this ghastly consumerism costs me without looking at the numbers. 

We reduced our impulse spends by 85% and saved over $1000. We Rock!

What do our bank accounts tell me?

We looked at our bank accounts from last year and the impulse buys stood out like big hot steaming turds. It was sickening to see how many things we bought from impulse....we were the marketers dream couple. Drawn in by the shiny, sparkling signs and juiced up by the 'bargains' we found.

It's a scam people!! 

Browsing our bank accounts showed that most of the non-necessity spending was impulse buys. 

We both had colluded on this unconscious way of living...and we are darn glad it has stopped!! 

Here are the impulse spends that jumped off the bank statements:
  • dinners out (always impulsive, never planned)
  • clothes shopping (never planned)
  • op shopping (no predetermine plan to buy)
  • DVDs (no real plan to buy until we passed the store)
  • Nights out after work (mostly alcohol costs)

In January 2014 we spent $1195 on impulse consumerism!! How stupid is that?

This year we spent only $185 with two dinners, one night after work, 2 DVDs and a quick bite before the movies being all we spent. Although these have been considered impulse buys, all but the DVDs were discussed well before the decision was made to spend.

Being in the business improvement industry, I love data. The numbers tell you the truth. The data tells me that things are shifting big time for our family and it is all because we made a it is. 

DECISION: To let go of the false relationship and compulsive need (addiction) from the consumer culture I have happily, if unconsciously colluded with. To experience myself, others and life via a relationship built on connection, creating and discovery.

This decision has changed our lives!

What went out - 2 items

Two more coats left the building. One watermelon coat I have only worn once and one 1960 coat I have worn twice. Both really nice....but no longer considered part of the family.

What came in - 0 items

It is wonderful to have nothing coming in


(1) Ignorance may be bliss, but consciousness is empowering
(2) I have gained so much more than money from this shift

TOTAL: OUT - 627   IN - 49

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