Saturday 31 January 2015

Day 31: You'll Never Use Shoe Boxes Again

Am I the only one with this disaster? Or does everyone do the 'where are those shoes' tantrum as they hunt through the boxes? Or worse, find a pair you had forgotten you had?
For ever I had left my shoes in their boxes and placed them in the growing shoe box pile at the bottom of my wardrobe. Often they would have a rest after a long day or night out before they made it back to their box. In summary IT WAS A MESS!!
I know from visiting my friends that this is a common issue and is definitely not solved by buying 'see-through shoe boxes' for a crazy price that just make the mess look pretty.

Lets solve the problem - GET RID OF THE BOXES

Actually, don't even bring them home. Leave them at the store!
Here's what we did.
We found a small closet that was contained various house stuff we rarely used. It was at the end of our hall way and was the perfect depth for shoes (30-40cm / 12-16 inches). So we gutted the closet (took out all the shelves and fixtures), repainted it and then put in heaps of shelves to fit the shoes (some high for heels, some low for flats and at the bottom it was tall enough for my longest boots).
Now, I simply put on clothes, open the shoe closet and find the perfect pair. No mess, no boxes and no waste.
You could do the very same at the bottom of your wardrobe by making selves....or find a wall inside your walk in robe and put in the shelves.
The main thing is to get rid of the clutter, make it easier to find your shoes so you don't need to buy more... as you will realise you have enough or discover you need to add something to your wish-list.

Other clever ideas


What went out - 1 item

I found a box perfect for a birthday gift for my out it goes.

What came in - 1 items

I bought myself a tea strainer...yes it was an impulse buy.


(1) I need to put more effort into my wish-list 
(2) Spending time with friends beats shopping every time 

TOTAL: OUT - 621   IN - 49


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