Wednesday 28 January 2015

Day 28: How to Decide What Books To Set Free

Time to cull some books. But how? 

Every single book has gold inside. This is going to be hard... but it has to happen. Here goes...


Start Small

I decided to just do the cookbook and gardening shelf. Great decision! One shelf at a time is a simple way to do this.

The criteria I applied to set the books free was:
  • Have not opened this book...ever - GONE
  • Have opened it but not used any information from the book - GONE
  • Have hoped this book would call me to read it, but I've kept putting it back - GONE

11 books were put in the donation box.

I feel GREAT!

So can I do one more shelf? Yeah why not... standby.

Well that was fun. I just did another shelf and cleared another 7 books. The second copy of Eat, Pray, Love is going to mum and the rest to the library to see if they want/need them. Not sure if libraries take books but no harm in asking.

What went out - 19 items

A stack of books are going out the door plus one plastic makeup bag that came with my birthday present.

What came in - 0 items

Nothing to report peeps.



(1) Lots of things just become part of the furniture... we become desensitised
(2) Books are either HOT or NOT... we intuitively know which ones we can let go 

TOTAL: OUT - 605   IN - 48


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