Friday 2 January 2015

Day 1: The jewel of denial

Already it feels weird sharing the truth of this journey but I trust it is a good thing. Owning something that is not functional is kinda hard, however I know each person reading this is happy for me for various reasons... perhaps for some of their own reasons.
I consider this day a big success.... 37 items left the building. Elvis would be proud.   

What went out - 37 items

Today, as I wrote this blog in bed, I decided the first thing I looked at would be culled. It was my jewellery stand. So many earrings, many I love and many I have never worn. Yay... this was a great choice.
I went through it one by one and in no time over 30 pairs of earrings were in the gone-ski pile. How crazy it is to have earrings I have never ever worn and yet keep for no real reason.
Now I only have those pieces I love, that celebrate me and my expression of myself.  You know the ones.... the ones you love that look great!!

What came in - 0 items

Nothing! Oh yeah...doing the happy dance.
Basically because we didn't go anywhere or do anything other than chillax after a magical morning at Terrigal Haven watching the sun come up for new year.
Oh, um, er...actually, a confession... (blushing now), we went to Guzman Y Gomez for Mexican food. Not really something coming into my life, but a retail impulse that wasn't necessary. We had plenty of healthy food in our fridge and instead of coming home and enjoying love infused gourmet delights, I suggested Mexican food. Going to watch this impulse from now on. 


(1) Jewellery is a funny thing. It is a shiny, sparkly item that is in nearly every retail fashion outlet and does it's best to catch our impulsive eye. I have some beautiful pieces that I love. I really don't need any more.   
 (2) Today I spent time with people I love, connecting, sharing and enjoying their essence in a deeper way than I have in the past. This is what fills me up.
(3) There is so much in my heart waiting to be expressed. Shifting the energy to the outward flow of my hearts value is going to give me more than anything I could bring into my life.  

TOTAL: OUT - 37   IN - 0

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