Thursday 1 January 2015

Day Zero: Stabbed in the heart by a stiletto

Ok, let's get to the truth first up - I am a consumer-aholic!
This blog is dedicated to the discovery of 'The Path Less Purchased' or 'The Bridge Over the River Why'. 
A few things have stirred me in the last few months, encouraging me to look into the mirror long enough to see the truth. I have discovered that not only am I on a consumer train, but I am the driver.    
Welcome to my blog about the journey - Jumping off this train and finding my own tracks.

What stirred me

Early December I read a great blog about de-cluttering which explains a simple approach to reducing clutter - you clear out more than you bring in to your life. Simple huh? So I decided then and there that 2015 is going to be about establishing a new model for life - less is more.

Mid-December, I opened my shoe closet... yes, I have a shoe closet. Hmmm, interesting insight - something may be out of whack. For kicks, I counted my shoes. 72 pairs, not including boots. WTF!! How did I go from 'sporty spice' in 1995 with only sports shoes and thongs, to Imelda Marcos without even noticing I have 3 pairs of 'there's no place like home' red shoes. Enough bells went off to get wings for the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

First things, first - making the choice!

How is it possible, in the face of the overwhelming cultural juggernaut of consumerism that permeates every nook and cranny, to swim outside the current?

A culture is a learned set of principles and behaviours that we didn't know we signed up for. My discovery of this unconscious agreement enables me to make a new choice, to create a new personal culture and build a true future of expression...consciously.

There is no better time than the first day of the year, to commence a new resolution. The trick is to back it up for 365 days and beyond. The reason I am writing a blog is so that you can bear witness to my journey and keep me on track. And if you like, come on the journey with me.

The choice is: To let go of the false relationship and compulsive need (addiction) from the consumer culture I have happily, if unconsciously colluded with. To experience myself, others and life via a relationship built on connection, creating and discovery. To create an outward flow, rather than an inward flow.

In a nutshell: the shit's gotta go!!

Time to clean out the crap!!!

The rules of the game:
(1) Each day I will clear out at least one item from my life
(2) More items are to be cleared, than to come into my life
(3) No more gifting people with things that clutter
(4) No purchase is made from impulse

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