Friday 30 January 2015

Day 29: Empty Boxes, Empty Life

I was wandering around the house trying to find the next place of focus. I looked up above the pantry in the kitchen....BAM!!

How long have you been there hidden in plain sight? LOL

There were 4 empty wine and beer glass boxes. Now I could argue that I may need them one day to pack up and move, or take them on a picnic, or some other reason to keep them. But the honest truth is, I may never use those boxes again... and all they will ever do is sit there and take up space and create an eyesore. Gone-ski!!

So is keeping the boxes about saving? Saving waste, saving the environment by preventing having to buy another one, saving time by having it available now etc.

Where is the line between useful saving and hoarding where the cost of keeping outweighs the value of letting go?

This is a trap for us all in one way or another. Hoarding (I believe) is the 'need' to keep...just in case. Our 'just in case' reasons are unique to us.

Here's a question:

Does this item constrain me, prevent my freedom, invade our space, take time but give little back, demand energy or distract me from my passions? 
Does this item expand me, enable my freedom, add to my passion, bring joy to our space, enable a better future, inspire us etc?

It's interesting that is happening at this time of life as I watch my parents having to consider down-sizing. What do they do with all the 'stuff' they have accumulated?


What went out - 4 items

4 wine glass boxes. Aren't they funny things to keep.

What came in - 0 items

Doing great on this now.


(1) There are things that have been there all along that I cannot see (as in life)
(2) I don't really NEED much

TOTAL: OUT - 609   IN - 48

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