Monday 5 January 2015

Day 5: A Chardy in a Cardie

We decided to go to the movies... something we don’t do enough especially this is Jerry’s craft and passion, It is almost criminal that we don’t go more regularly to see something new and inspiring.

Anyway we both wanted to see Interstellar. The only session remaining was tonight at 6pm in the city, so we decided to go. On our way there we looked for food prior to the movie. We ordered a small meal and a glass of wine each. Seems innocent right?
It was scary how quickly I answered Jerry when he said “want a wine?”. Before my ‘I’m cutting back, good angel’ stepped in my ‘bring it on!!, seriously saucy, bad deb’ said “you bet, I’ll have a chardy”. Well, $40 later and not yet at the movies I realised how out of alignment this was. Brilliant! Note to self… WTF!!! Time to develop some personal principles. More on that later.

Wish-List to hold back the impulse buying

We spoke about the wish-list idea (guest blog coming very soon) and decided to explore it in its full glory. On the way home on the train I sat down and started creating my wish-list. How bazaar, I had trouble thinking of things I needed, wanted or would love to experience. I came up with a few things but in essence there was not much I yearned for….but get me in the shops and I can drain an account in no time. Crazy!

What went out - 4 items

Only a quick cull tonight as I needed to go to bed for an early start. So we hit the DVD cabinet and took out a few more we will not watch again.

What came in – 0 items

Again nothing. I wonder how many days this will last.


(1)    We can be smarter with our eating out. Need to plan in advance and take food with us.
(2)    Wine is a real escape for me…and I really don’t choose to have it, I just do.

TOTAL: OUT - 158   IN - 0

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