Sunday 25 January 2015

Day 25: Sammi Drops a Bombshell - My Heart is still Ringing!

Out of the mouth of babes...

Sammi said "I knew something had to change..."

We completed the second half of the cull of Sammi's clothes. It was SO good! The energy shift has been amazing.  

Sammi sat down next to me and read yesterdays blog. And when she finished she wrapped her 12 year old arms around me and said "I knew something had to change. I'm so proud of you mum".

A part of me was embarrassed but I soon realised this is not just my journey. I realised our children are sponges looking for truth. And if we are unconscious and not open to the truth in our words and actions, what is it they are learning. They will model what we display.

I have always lived openly. My friends on FB will attest to that. It is now becoming evident that my daughter is gleaning the gold from this way of living. She is feeding back that which I have fed her. It is truly inspiring.

I thanked her for allowing me to find my way, for being so compassionate and for coming on the journey with me.

What a day!

What went out - 23 items

22 items of clothes plus 1 old coffee mug.

We took the (combined two days effort) 77 pieces of clothing over to a friends house who found 20 items for her daughter and who will distribute the rest to the home-schooling network.  

What came in - 7 items (5 x first consumer spend + 2 x free)

Our first consumer purchases other than food - 2 paintbrushes, 2 DVDs, 1 measuring cup and two pairs of flannelette pyjamas (given to us as a swap for the clothes we shared)



(1) Getting real about ourselves in front of our children and sharing the truth about our journey is probably the best education they will ever get.
(2) Conscious spending is definitely the way to go.   

TOTAL: OUT - 506   IN - 37

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