Saturday 17 January 2015

Day 17: How Could I Let This Happen? INCOMING!!

Last week two of our good friends, supporting us on this non-consumer journey, asked it Sammi would like to come over on the weekend to look at some clothes she might like. ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!!!

After much discussion on how this fits with 'jumping off the consumer train' we agreed this is a perfect way to render the stored clothes useful as long as they are passed on when no longer needed. This will mean passed 'back' to our friends for when their 5 year old will be ready to consider them as her own.

On the drive over there, Sammi and I added some items to the wish-lists, including a black cardigan for me for work.

So we went over and did some home op shopping and Sammi found 15 items she loved and 2 books. In the box of goodies where two items I fell in love with. One was simple cotton dress (that I am still wearing as I sit here and tell you the story) and the other was a gorgeous cardigan perfect for work. Magic. 

I was a little wary of how this fits with getting the 'stuff' out of the house...but happy to 'learn by doing' to enable us to find out later if this was true to do.

On the flip side, we decided to get heaps of stuff out of the house to ensure the energy continues to flow out.





What went out - 79 items

We went through a top dresser drawer in the bedroom and found all these items that are NEVER used. Too funny. There were about 12 small boxes of sample perfumes my mum gave me about 10 years ago....OMG!!! an old broken watch, heaps of costume jewellery I don't wear and loads of little junky things.

What came in - 19 items

Sammi got some lovely tops, bottoms and 2 lovely books. I am now enjoying a simple cotton dress and will enjoy the cardigan soon for work.

(1) When you clear the clutter you can get to the items of value
(2) Intentional shopping is way more fulfilling and the items are way more loved.  

TOTAL: OUT - 402   IN - 28

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