Sunday 4 January 2015

Day 4: EnLISTing Our Friends

Interesting how supportive everyone is of this journey. And how open they are to understanding about all aspects. I wish I was as understanding. I am experiencing a whole host of emotions, I am embarrassed, shamed, relieved, joyous, still, in wonderment of the future and clear that the scam I have pulled on myself is no longer valid.

Sammi deciding it is time to participate
It is clear that everyone has value to add to this journey. One friend described her 'wish-list' concept they use to determine purchases. I loved it so much I asked her to write an article for this blog. Keep your eye out for this will feel her heart in it...coming soon!

The big surprise of the day was Sammi (my daughter) asking me to help her clear out some stuff in her room. She wants to participate in this experience too. She wants to firstly go through her toys. Her decision criteria is: 
  • KEEPING - heart felt toys with a deep meaning for her e.g. her special sleeping soft toy called Sheepie (BTW Sheepie is a pig... we laughed out loud when we wrote this).
  • GONE-SKI - childish and things she doesn't use any more such as Barbies and little plastic models etc.

What went out - 110 items

9 CDs - In plain sight under the TV has been a cane box full of CDs. Most I have downloaded to my iTunes. They have become todays gone-ski target. It is time for some of them to go. Instead of going through ALL of them like a crazed banshee we just grabbed a handful and cleared out the ones we no longer need/want.  

101 Toys - (54 in the trash, 31 to the op shop, 14 to give to younger friends). It was magical moment watching Sammi going through 2 small boxes of toys in her shelves. We laughed at so many of the things she's kept over the years. Secretly I was in awe of her awakening this part of herself. She is amazing.

What came in - 0 items

What can I say... nothing has made it's way into our home yet. It has been 4 days and so far no desire to go to the shops.

Last minute 'oh no we have no milk!!!'...needed to go to the shops. So instead of the normal just go without conscious intent, we all sat down and put a list together of things we really need. The trip to the shops went like clockwork... we got home with only the items on the list... and didn't forget the milk!! LOL.  

There has been a shift.


What we wasted - nothing

It felt like there was going to be more food waste from the fridge however some friends dropped by and the old crappy carrots went home to their guinea pigs and the over-ripe bananas are soon to be muffins. Perfect! 

I also found myself cooking things from the fridge I would normally not reach for. So it appears I am now conscious of using the food we have rather than meeting my childlike know the ones "but I want it now...I don't want that, I want this!"


(1) There is nothing that needs to be wasted. All consumables can be used... if not I can learn not to buy them in future. 

(2) I am a role model for my daughter. She will learn how to 'be' from the actions I take. This journey is also 'giving' to her. 


TOTAL: OUT - 154   IN - 0

1 comment:

  1. The most important insight is the second one :-) Congratulatiosn to you and Sammi.
