Thursday 15 January 2015

Day 15: The Clutter I Could Never See Before

It is amazing how without a conscious choice to clear out the clutter, I would have continued to not see the amount of 'stuff' I had brought into my life simply because I was not looking.

Awareness is the first step to any change...but boy does it hurt!!

I am always surprised, embarrassed, angry, sad, determined, reflective and often regretful when I see another part of my shadow nature. But the truth is, nothing really matters.

The most important thing is that I keep going. That I keep unfolding this construct I have created which has me unconsciously make choices that in no way support my true nature. It is never easy...if it was we would be done with this journey over the weekend.

One way to enjoy the journey more is to do it with a friend or a loving partner. When you are able to share your journey, your insights, your feelings with another it is rather special. Tell a friend what you are planning on doing and share your journey with them as you discover more about yourself.

What went out - 6 items

Today I found 1 skirt (that I just don't wear) and 5 costume jewellery rings that have lost there lustre.

What came in - 0 items

Darn proud of this and I am finding I am very conscious about purchasing decisions. I no longer just fulfil my desires, impulses or compulsions.

I just notice the thoughts and allow them to wash through. I don't judge them, I don't feel bad, and I don't try to get rid of the thoughts. I simply notice.

(1) I am the creator of my thoughts, my feelings and my outcomes.
(2) There is no rush.

TOTAL: OUT - 322   IN - 9

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