Friday 2 January 2015

Day 2: Chicken soup for the sole

It wouldn't be a real blog about shoes if I didn't address this issue right here, right now!

What went out - 5 item

One pair of shoes were escorted out of the building today. Yes people, I did it!
But to be honest it was easy, not because I have no issue getting rid of things, but because they were falling apart anyway and really had to go. So the truth is, my shoes left on their own accord... I really had nothing to do with it.
Jerry and I also watched a movie: Wild Target - Bill Knighy and Emily Blunt. This was a great little comedy but definitely not a movie we will watch again. So gone-ski. We don't need it in our collection. This decision was inspirational. We had a quick look through the cabinet and three other DVDs were put on the gone-ski pile. Shutter Island, The Core, and Somewhere in Time. Makes you wonder how many other movies we will never watch again. I expect we will be going through the DVD piles over the next few days.

What came in - 0 items 

We DID go to a shopping centre (mall) today to pick up our dry cleaning (work suits/shirts) and to go to the movies... Jerry's passion and heart expression.
No desire to purchase anything!!
It was weird even being in a shopping centre. My eyes were looking at things very differently. I was repulsed by the whole concept of this place. I felt like an alien. I know I have been part of this collusion for so long, but now it is something I have trouble relating to.
Can it be so different so quickly? Can making a choice like this, change my view entirely? Or is this just a flash in the pan reaction and will I work my way back to the cha-ching consumer-aholic fixes of the past?


(1) I love going to the movies with my man. Today we watched Russell Crowe in The Water Diviner. Powerful movie. We will definitely be doing this more often... love snuggling at the movies.
(2) The colour red is used for ALL sale signs at the shops. A great impulse colour. Sales are not a reason to buy anything. The only reason to buy anything is if you really 'need' it. The definition of 'need' is something to explore... more on this for sure as we travel the path.       

TOTAL: OUT - 42   IN - 0


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