Wednesday 21 January 2015

Day 21: Parenting my Three Year Old at the Lolly Counter

No matter what drawer or cupboard I open, it is full of stuff that makes me think I have been possessed at one time by a bag lady with a shoe fetish. What is it that makes us do this?

Is it the need to keep up with the Joneses? Is it the need to feel a certain power as we buy something 'just because we can'? Or even worse 'when we can't, but do anyway'? Or perhaps it is the hit from the novelty (the newness) we get with anything new and interesting only to find it is dropped without care as soon as the next shiny item crosses our path.

Are we simply three year olds at the supermarket checkout screaming 'I want it, and I want it NOW? 

Becoming the parent is probably what I am doing. It is not always easy, but as a parent we know that tough love is real love. Saying yes to everything renders us powerless.

When stresses hit, or circumstances bump us off our path, it takes WILL to duck and weave those emotional missiles and stay true to our journey.

I could point the finger at a gazillion circumstances that have whittled away my resolve. However the truth is, I have been seduced by my own stories.

My stories are my beliefs and assumptions I made up about life, that I have been practicing and confirming since I arrived here on the planet. My stories developed a certain perspective of 'how it is' and without a change I would live life as if these are really how it is...and it's not.  

Awareness and the ability to have compassion for myself as I discover my stories is very helpful. Beating myself up serves no purpose other than to perpetuate another story.


I Didn't Realise I had an Addiction

To discover this consumer addiction was a shock. It was hidden until December last year when I decided 2015 was going to be a year of de-cluttering. My first reaction was absolute shock, confusion, denial...and then acceptance. I knew from that moment life was going to shift.

My experience in life as a coach, a corporate professional and mother, has shown me that we as humans can only ever take the next step in our journey. We simply can't bypass the learnings and evolution of our own selves... if we did we would miss the very essence of existence.

I believe we are not meant to 'arrive' and go da-dah!! I believe we are meant to experience the pathway to our destinations in all it's glory in order to appreciate it when we get there. And then of course we discover, there is no 'there'. 

Did that give you brain freeze? 


What went out - 9 items

A quick check in the kitchen second drawer reveals 9 items that we don't use. Gone-ski!

What came in - 1 item

A package arrive for Sammi from my mum. Not sure what is in it but I am suspecting it is clothing. Doh! BTW I haven't had the chat with my mum yet about not adding to our clutter. Note to self - DO IT NOW!!!


(1) Circumstances are not the cause of our outcomes in life, our actions are the cause of our circumstances.
(2) Small conscious steps, often, get grand results! 

TOTAL: OUT - 419   IN - 29

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