Thursday 8 January 2015

Day 8: Establishing the Gone-ski Process

It appears easy, sixteen items out and zero in. Simple, but not so easy. Where are the sixteen items going?

To be able to really play this game well you have to establish a way to get the things OUT of your life!! This is what I call the 'gone-ski process'. And of course it is worth considering not wasting things of value.

To be able to continue the flow out of our lives we have established 4 baskets:
(1) DONATE: for items going to the op shop 

(2) SELL: for items too good to give away that can go to friends, be re-gifted or sell 
(3) TRASH: gets thrown away
(4) REPAIR: for items needing repair (anything staying in this basket too long gets trashed

We have used existing baskets we had in various cabinets around the house. In essence we have recycled their use and in the process emptied the crap out of them. We have put the baskets in a really easy to get to place. This keeps it real.  

Without this distribution process I think I may have piles of stuff lying around eventually causing more clutter. This way there is a clear place to put things and a method to redistribute OUT of the house.



What can happen when you have a quiet day at home

I did a bit of a clean up at home and found 12 items for the gone-ski baskets. Sammi joined me at around 1pm and we decided it would be fun to play Boggle. We had a blast and she learned a few words.

When putting it away we noticed a cane basket in the TV cabinet which has been untouched for around 3 years. We laughed and laughed at the things Sammi kept squirrelled away in there. All 104 things in that basket were set free and put in the gone-ski baskets. Most went to the trash.

What went out - 115 items

Mostly little plastic toys, used craft items and a few tops, old wooden cupboard drawers (don't even ask me why I have them...LOL) and a few items from the kitchen we just never use. 


What came in - 0 items

Even though I went to the shops, nothing other than the items on my very small food shopping list came home. I was just so darn pleased with myself as I drove out of the shopping centre that I had not been drawn into the consumer prison I had built myself.   



(1) Recognise every success, whether small or large, as this creates momentum.
(2) Observe self and others without judgement. Any judgement is a reflection of a personal belief inside myself and has nothing to do with anyone else.  


TOTAL: OUT - 289   IN - 4

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