Saturday 24 January 2015

Day 24: The Collective Costs of Consumerism

It started out as a simple task, to cull our 12 years old daughters clothes... as you do.
When we stopped last night (half way through) I felt terrible. I realised the cost of all of this stuff...and I am not talking about the money.

What does consumerism really cost?

When I sat down and explored how I was feeling I could see (and feel) the costs involved:
  • The time it took us to earn the money we would spend on the clothes
  • The cost of going shopping - petrol, the food we would buy while out etc  
  • The time it took to go find the clothes 
  • The time it takes sorting the clothes into the wardrobe
  • The time it takes to cull the clothes out of the wardrobe
  • The cost of the clothes - thank goodness we op shop
  • The cost of manufacturing - perhaps some are through exploitive arrangements
  • The cost of the carbon footprint
  • The energetic cost of the clutter
  • The time it takes to dispose - into the rubbish, donating or driving to give away
  • The cost to the planet generating and transporting the raw materials
And I bet there are plenty more costs involved.

My first reaction to this awareness was absolute overwhelm. I felt agitated and sad about the costs involved especially the financial and time costs to our family.

The gift of this awareness is invaluable. We will certainly redirect the dollars and time into truer aspirations and enable our passions through thoughtful actions.

I see us creating experiences with our family, friends and others rather than playing this consumer game.

Being conscious about the use of our time and money is a gift. But it did take me a bit of time to grasp the damage that has been caused, and have it all sink in. Once it did, I felt totally shaken!!

This was a painful epiphany... a shock to my reality. I had to honestly own that I was the cause... that my unconscious and poor decision making has cost us dearly.

Don't beat yourself up

There are two options: To judge yourself and get depressed by the past OR to redirect the energy into creating a better future.

It's obvious. As we become aware we make better choices. We all make mistakes, this is how we grow. I am not interested in hiding my mistakes, sugar coating the truth or spending time regretting the past... it is fruitless.

I am committed to learning more about myself, bringing my heart into the world as best I can, and luxuriating in the connections and experiences of life.

This lesson continues the journey.

What went out - 55 items

We culled 55 pieces of clothing... some had not ever been worn! We found some great pieces she can wear now that had been hidden amongst the masses.

What came in - 0 items

Keeping it lean...nothing in.


(1) The collective costs of consumerism is higher than we could imagine
(2) When you have too many clothes you cannot see any of them

TOTAL: OUT - 484   IN - 30

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