Friday 16 January 2015

Day 16: 'Stuff' All' (over the place)

Terribly slack day on the journey... only could be bothered grabbing one thing and tossing it in the bin. Wait for it... so exciting... not! Oh gosh, this is truly hilarious that I had this sitting in the bathroom cabinet. I wonder how many other folks hold on to the same kind of things.

I kept this empty bottle with a pump top (very fancy brand organic oil) for about 6 months now. I was hoping I could refill it. But prior to Christmas I found out they don't sell large bottle of it and so I bought myself a new one but for some silly reason didn't throw out the old bottle. 

What is that? What has us hold on to things like this. You know the things that sit there because one day they are going to be useful. Like empty water bottles, jars that one day will be used for something, containers that you can't seem to find the lid for. And I could go on here but I am guessing both of us would continue to feel a little squeamish if I let's change the subject.  

What will we do with all this extra money and time?

I am finding that we have way more time and money now that we have served divorce papers on consumerism. 

Last night we tossed up going out for dinner however at the end we agreed it was more true to go home and eat what was already waiting for us in the fridge. So what stirred the need to go for dinner? I am guessing that it was late (about 8 pm), neither of us had the energy to cook and clean up and it was easier. 

The truth is, we both enjoyed our home-cooked meal, a glass of red and our comfy relaxed home as we communed. This was a much better option emotionally, financially and holistically. A great thing to remember when the urge appears again. 

This doesn't mean we won't go out for dinner, it just means we won't do it when it is an impulsive decision. 

So what will we do with the extra time and money? I have no will appear as this journey progresses. We are still working through our wishlists and getting them prioritised. I am certain one of the important items will emerge as the next 'truest' thing to purchase.  

What went out - 1 item

One silly little bottle I had been holding onto.

What came in - 0 items

Nothing came in mainly because we are not engaged in consumer zombie like behavior


(1) Impulses demand now decisions and actions. Delaying the decision enables a better view of what is true to do
(2) Energy (money, time, love, action), consciously placed, brings incredible results

TOTAL: OUT - 323   IN - 9


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