Monday 19 January 2015

Day 19: Dinner Out Disaster

A sure recipe for consumerism is living an unbalanced life. Getting up at 2:45 am because we couldn't sleep made for a long day. Add to that a busy schedule, a pile of washing up on the sink and the desire to have an early night led us to a decision to go out for dinner. 

Impulsive? I am thinking, yes! 

The reason I know this is because of how I felt on the way home afterwards. As we jumped in the car to go home I asked Jerry "how much was dinner?" He replied "sixty dollars". WHAT!?! I was shocked. A small starter, 3 dishes, and an orange juice. Add to that the bottle of wine we bought on the way and you have a $70 impulse buy. 

Did we 'need' to go? Did we 'have' to go? Or did we plain and simply 'want' to go? 

This decision was made unconsciously and was based on circumstances. Living life in reaction to circumstance has cost us in more ways than expected. We stuffed up! And we both colluded in this decision beautifully.  

It is not only the $70 but it is the realisation of the many, many times we have done this without even thinking, without ever considering the impact of the expenditure. 

I put this down to a lesson learnt. For me, 2015 is the year for conscious choices around consumerism. My reaction to this impulsive choice is insightful. I could easily rationalise it but I would be bullshitting me and bullshitting you. This is a 'no bullshit' blog and so let's suck it up and own it... and learn from it. 

Awareness is a grand thing. It is through awareness that great change occurs. There are two ways to go with this: (1) to feel shame and guilt or (2) to own it without judgement and learn from it. I don't really do the shame thing...and so owning it without judgement, is the way to go. 

What went out - 2 items

Two pairs of jeans from Miss Sammi's room (will put in clothes offerings for friends kids)

What came in - 0 items

Nothing came in. I have noticed I have no desire to go to the shops. Big change. 


(1) Collusion makes poor choices, easy!
(2) A clean kitchen is more important than you think. Not dealing with the basics, not completing on responsibilities and letting things slide, adds up. Eventually something will give. It takes commitment to the 'not so fun' jobs that enables greater enjoyment and freedom in other areas.   

TOTAL: OUT - 409   IN - 28


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