Tuesday 27 January 2015

Day 27: How Cancelling my Birthday Party Became a Gift

It was my birthday today. The rain insisted we cancel the beach dinner party we had planned... and we didn't fancy organising the house for 20+ guests for dinner and drinks, so we just called it off in the spirit of 'ease and grace'.

This enabled me to open up to a new day of opportunities to celebrate.    

The Gift of Time

I had the day off work, Sammi was on her last day of school holidays (starting high school tomorrow), Jerry had to go into the office and so Sammi and I decided to just chill out at home, letting the day unfold on it's own.

A Facebook message from a friend came in suggesting a café catchup for lunch. Perfect!!  She had a place in mind with soul-full food that she had heard was great.

The food was spectacular, the ambiance was terrible; on a foot-path, on a main road, on a damp, rainy day... but it was the best lunch ever!

We shared more of ourselves in that three hours than we had had the chance to since meeting years ago. We laughed, cried, shared insights and our hearts. Most of all, we shared compassion and understanding for the really tough journey we had been on.

My heart just melted.

Caroline bought us lunch as a gift... but we both knew the real gift was the moments shared.

Juicy conversation

Next a text arrived from my beautiful friend Maree... yay! We met at a café and enjoyed a fresh juice while we caught up. It was just perfect. Another gift of time and connection.

Dinner and PRESENTS!!

We got home in time to greet Jerry home from work. We settled in for the night creating a simple dinner of vegetarian, make it yourself, wraps!! My favourite 'easy' meal. Steve (Ex hubby) joined us.

The celebrations began...and out came the presents. OH NO!!!

Steve proudly presented his WRAPPED bottles of wine and a CARD. We laughed. He was so proud of his purchase because it was something we could use, that would not clutter. It then dawned on him that the wrapping and card were the joke. 

Sammi then presented her gift in the store bag... some earrings...yay! I then held her hand and said... now give me your card from your heart. She looked deep into my eyes and shared her feelings with me... it was gorgeous!

Now that's a heart-card.

Jerry then gave me my second present of the day (the first was a beautiful silver and turquoise pendant), a mobile charging unit.... yippee!! I loved it. I always steal his when out and about. It holds enough charge for 5 iPhones. Oh yeah!!

Oh, and it was in an old gift box (recycled). I loved that he did that! 

He then spoke his heart-card... gorgeous!

But wait there's more...

Then he comes back into the room with another present...WTF!! Lucky me. It was in the store wrapping (yay) and was from IKOU - the organic goodies I buy. Yay...no clutter. It had a candle, some massage oil and a loufa. 

We had a great night... relaxed, loving and full. 

What went out - 11 items

I went through my belts drawer and put 11 in the donation box.

What came in - 5 items

My turquoise necklace, the loufa, the bag the IKOU goodies came in, the charging pack, and the earrings.      



(1) Moments are the greatest gift of all
(2) When I open up to connection... the world connects

TOTAL: OUT - 586   IN - 48

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