Monday 12 January 2015

Day12: Pulling the Trigger on the Wish-List

A quick trip to the shops was required to pick up some pens for Miss 12 year old. We also wanted to get Jerry a tea cup as we are both drinking tea now more than coffee and we only have one tea cup...LOL And yes, both items are on our wish lists. First wish-list purchases.

While we were out and about Sammi wanted to show me the curved screen TV. We made a conscious choice not to go through the '3 blue-ray DVDs for $30' bin, nor look at any iPhone accessories, or other very tempting techie stuff. It was easy once we made the choice. The TV was ok and interesting but that was about it.

Then as we passed the travel agents shop front I remembered our wish-list adventures we have been dreaming up. So I went in and grabbed two brochures for Tasmania and Romantic Getaways. Good for me, no expenditure and starting to fuel our heart choices.

Then off we went... SUDDENLY it dawns on me that these two brochures, that we are surely to flick through and throw out are clutter!! BUSTED!! So we walked back to the store and put them back on the very colourful, glossy covered, 'take me' shelf. And out we went proud as punch that we had once again avoided the consumer game we are playing on ourselves. 

On the way home Sammi and I calculated how much we saved by not impulse buying things like take-away food etc. It added up to $60.50. How about that.

What went out - 3 items

How many candle holders do you really need? A quick look in the candle cupboard and consumer pennies start dropping everywhere. So out go 3 candle holders we have NEVER used.

What came in - 5 items

4 pens from Sammi's wish-list and 1 tea cup from Jerry's wish-list.

(1) Anything I bring into our home or into our lives has to enhance it or move us closer to our choices. Otherwise it is clutter.
(2) Every decision NOT to buy something is taking us forward.

TOTAL: OUT - 307   IN - 9

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