Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 3: A Waste of Thyme

Oh dear, I cleaned out the fridge after our Christmas and New Year feasting and found so many foods we need to throw out.

It has become apparent this consumer train I am driving includes the wasted foods we are not enjoying through our bodies. The more I explore this part of my life the more I realise how desensitised I have been to this self created unsustainable model.

On a lighter side, I commenced my journey to learn to play piano so I can write the music to some lyrics I wrote back in 2012. My 12 year old daughter (who plays) is teaching me. It was fun doing scales and learning to play children's songs.  

What went out - 2 items

Found a candle that is scented and will never be used by us. We love candles but prefer non scented ones. I think I will drop this at the op shop. 

We also returned a throw rug that we borrowed from a friend.

What came in - 1 0 items

My ex dropped by and showed us two coffee bean sacks he was given by a friend. He said he got one for us. We had a few wines and so we didn't question it at the time. The next morning I woke up aware that this sack was NOT true for us to have and no sooner had it arrived, would it be walked out the door.

I called Steve (ex) and asked him to grab it next time he drops by. He said "yeah, I thought it was odd that you took it given your current blog on consumerism".

What we wasted

I feel sick as I write this, but I have to share the truth... here are the foods I had to throw out.

5 bananas, 2 servings of homemade lasagne, 2 lemons, salad, 2 half onions, 1 bread roll, 2 strawberries, a dozen blueberries, 6 baby cucumbers, 2 half bags of spinach and rocket, and 2 bags of carrots (from my juice fast in November).

I am going to find a way to ensure we eat everything we buy...keep ya posted!


(1) I need to let our family and friends know that we prefer no more 'stuff' for gifts. This will be interesting as my mum loves to buy us 'stuff'. No trip to her place has us leave empty handed. I'm scared. 

(2) I have been totally disconnected from MY responsibilities in regards to eating the food we buy. I have a new sense of connection to the gifts of food in our fridge. 

TOTAL: OUT - 44   IN - 0


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