Tuesday 13 January 2015

Day 13: It doesn't matter what you go for...shi(f)t will happen

New habits are forming. You know the deal, what you focus on gets bigger or more obvious. Its called the Hawthorn Effect (or observer effect) where simply the effect of being observed, or in this case, self-observation, brings about the change without any other changes being implemented.

What I have noticed

  • I am considering every expenditure regardless how much it is (new for me)
  • I am not interested in going to the shops (WTF!! this used to be a pastime)
  • I am not looking to bring things into my life (it was my old way of filling myself up)
  • I am more interested in experiencing connections (an expanded way of being for me)
  • I am on the look out for things I no longer need in my life (in the past I rarely noticed the 'stuff'... and often I would have things I have never used... oh dear!)

It doesn't matter what you go for...shi(f)t will happen

As you make changes in life towards what you love, we make choices, challenges, goals and other commitments to outcomes. It doesn't matter what you go for, all your dragons will appear to try to keep the status quo.

I believe that we are here to experience ourselves as a full expression of our hearts. My commitment to this for myself is the top priority. It is certainly not an easy journey...but it is the ONLY journey in life. Otherwise we will be driven by our unconscious compulsion for comfort and reduced tension.

A surprise for most people is the premise that tension (creative not psychological) is what enables us to fulfil our dreams. True change occurs when tension is applied. Therefore it is our relationship to tension that needs developing...not the how-to's we often seek to get us what we want. 

As a personal and business coach I love exploring this concept with clients. Discovering their true value and then setting a course often develops tension. Their results equate directly to their relationship with this tension.

If you want to learn more about this email me for a session deb@creativecoaching.com - mention this blog for a special first session offer.

What went out - 9 items

Plenty of things to grab as I moved around the house. It is amazing what you find at the bottom of some cupboards including gifts still in their plastic, scented candles, table runners never used, an old decorative box that has lost its pizzazz.

What came in - 0 items


(1) Developing a positive relationship with tension enables us to achieve anything
(2) Staying conscious take effort

TOTAL: OUT - 316   IN - 9

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