Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 22: Doing it Together is WAY More Fun!!

It is getting easier. I wonder how easy it will be on day 365? Will we still have things we can get rid of or will we be sitting on a milk crate, eating apples and singing 'WTF did we do that for'?

Who knows. I think there are so many things we really don't need or even want, that we could go for two years without blinking. Scary really!


Candles, Nic Naks and no thanks

It was fun going through the glasses/candle cabinet. We had a few candle holders that just were not us. They sit there  hidden amongst there friends, without ever being noticed. The quiet ones that sit at the back of the room.

Well today they are celebrated and set free. Someone else will love them and they won't feel ignored as they have done here at our place.

What went out - 10 items

A mix of candle holders, candles (scented... not a fan of scented candles) and a couple of nic naks)

What came in - 0 items

We are aware of how much lighter we feel because the 'flow in' has all but stopped.


(1) Doing it together is way more fun!
(2) Only keep what you really love. Once a gift is given to you, you can do with it what you want. Re-gift or donate it so it can find it's rightful owner.

TOTAL: OUT - 429   IN - 29

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